Hexagram 00001
1. Omar & Mal
Greg Hill & Kerry
Sublime creative power can provide happiness to
yourself and others. You must consciously cast out
all that is inferior, degrading, and just plain
lame. There are many who are great and yet still
unrecognized, so do not judge yourself by external
success or failure, but instead develop the calm
strength of patience. Do not expend your energies
prematurely; wait until the time is ripe. The paths
before you lead to those of the hero or the holy
2. Chapel Perilous
Here There Be Dragons
This hexagram represents the dark, yielding
power of Yin. Do not go ahead and try to lead
blindly at this juncture, or you will become lost.
Instead look for a friend or a guide to help you
through the darkness, but do not give yourself over
to them, for solitude and planning will also be
necessary (not only that, we don't want you to turn
into a cabbage, either).
3. Cosmogony
1. Before the beginning was the
Nonexistent Chao, balanced in Oblivion by the
Perfect Counterpushpull of the Hodge and the
2. Whereupon, by an Act of Happenstance, the
Hodge began gradually to overpower the Podge --
and the Primal Chaos thereby came to be.
3. So in the beginning was the Primal Chaos,
balanced on the Edge of Oblivion by the Perfect
Counterpullpush of the Podge and the Hodge.
4. Whereupon, by the Law of Negative Reversal,
the Podge swiftly underpowered the Hodge and
Everything broke loose.
5. And therein emerged the Active Force of
Discord, the Subtle Manifestation of the
Nonexistent Chao, to guide Everything along the
Path back to Oblivion - that it might not become
lost among Precepts of Order in the Region of
6. Forasmuch as it was Active, the Force of
Discord entered the State of Confusion, wherein
It copulated with the Queen and begat ERIS, Our
Lady of Discord and Gross Manifestation of the
Nonexistent Chao.
7. And under Eris Confusion became established,
and was hence called Bureaucracy; while over
Bureaucracy Eris became established, and was
hence called Discordia.
8. By the by it came to pass that the
Establishment of Bureaucracy perished in a paper
9. Thus it was, in accord with the Law of
10. During and after the Fall of the
Establishment of Bureaucracy was the Aftermath,
an Age of Disorder in which calculation,
computations, and reckonings were put away by the
Children of Eris in Acceptance and Preparation
for the Return to Oblivion to be followed by a
Repetition of the Universal Absurdity. Moreover,
of Itself the Coming of Aftermath waseth a
Resurrection of the Freedom-flowing Chaos. HAIL
11. Herein was set into motion the Eristic
Pattern, which would Repeat Itself Five Times
Over Seventy-three Times, after which nothing
would happen.
This hexagram represents beginnings. It has
historically been read as a bad sign, but this is
because the ancient Chinese did not understand the
positive aspect of chaos. During times of growth,
everything is in motion and struggling to attain
form - creating a chaotic maelstrom of potential
growth and inspiration. Revel in the chaos and use
it to further your own ends.
This is the only hexagram displayed here that
was not in the I-Ching. We felt it was important to
add a hexagram in case a stick or coin ends up on
its edge. This Hexagram stands for uncertainty in
the quantum reality. The authors of this sacred
tome recommend that if you get this hexagram you
either poison a cat or don't in a box where no one
can see it to divine the correct path to take.
Under no circumstances should you record the
results of this experiment, or even try to discover
for yourself the results of this experiment, since
that will drastically change its outcome, and there
will be a 50% chance that you will therefore be
reading the results of the experiment
4. The Bobbies
GOD spelled backwards is DOG,
but BOB spelled backwards is still BOB!
This hexagram indicates youthful folly - and
therefore implies a temporariness that can be
overcome. Be conscious of your inexperience and
seek out a teacher. The teacher does not have to be
a person, as long as it teaches discipline.
Remember, discipline is not drill. Discipline
itself is a very useful tool, while drill is an
Aneristic waste of time. The first thing that comes
to mind is the self-effacement practised by Drake
in the Illuminatus! Trilogy. One might also, if the
previous example is too labor-intensive for your
tastes, study the works of Mr. Crowley, especially
Diary of a Drug Fiend, keeping in mind, of
course, that the man was mentally deranged.
5. St. Tibs Day
ST. TIBS DAY - occurs once
every 4 years (1+4=5) and is inserted between the
59th and 60th days of the Season of Chaos.
This hexagram points to waiting patiently, as
one must do for St Tibs Day. Luckily, it also
suggests that one should eat, drink and be merry
while you are waiting in order to fortify your
body. This isn't pointless waiting - there is a
goal - but one should not be impatient to reach it.
So in other words, this hexagram suggests that one
should just chill out and party. This is Prince
Mu-Chao's favorite hexagram and he sometimes warps
the results of his throw so that they conform to
the St. Tibs Day Hexagram.
6. The Original Snub
It seems that Zeus was
preparing a wedding banquet for Peleus and Thetis
and did not want to invite Eris because of Her
reputation as a trouble maker.
This made Eris angry, and so
She fashioned an apple of pure gold and inscribed
upon it KALLISTI (To The Prettiest One) and on
the day of the fete She rolled it into the
banquet hall and then left to be alone and
joyously partake of a hot dog.
Now, three of the invited
goddesses, Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, each
immediately claimed it to belong to herself
because of the inscription. And they started
fighting, and they started throwing punch all
over the place and everything.
Finally Zeus calmed things
down and declared that an arbitrator must be
selected, which was a reasonable suggestion, and
all agreed. He sent them to a shepherd of Troy,
whose name was Paris because his mother had had a
lot of gaul and had married a Frenchman; but each
of the sneaky goddesses tried to outwit the
others by going early and offering a bribe to
Athena offered him Heroic
War Victories, Hera offered him Great Wealth, and
Aphrodite offered him the Most Beautiful Woman on
Earth. Being a healthy young Trojan lad, Paris
promptly accepted Aphrodites bribe and she got
the apple and he got screwed.
As she had promised, she
maneuvered earthly happenings so that Paris could
have Helen (the Helen) then living with her
husband Menelaus, King of Sparta. Anyway,
everyone knows that the Trojan War followed when
Sparta demanded their Queen back and that the
Trojan War is said to be The First War among
And so we suffer because of
the Original Snub. And so a Discordian is to
partake of No Hot Dog Buns.
Do you believe
This hexagram represents conflict and
opposition, and suggests that there will be
considerable force applied against you. It also
suggests that, like Eris did in the case of the
party, one should use cunning to overcome the
opposition. Discordians are usually pretty apt at
cunning, since it takes much cunning to merely
survive as a Discordian in today's world, so
further description should be unneccessary.
7. The Knights of the 5-Sided Temple
The Military Order of THE
Order of Discordia and is for all the soldiers
and bureaucrats of the world.
This hexagram represents military strength,
which implies that the situation you are asking
about is fraught with an authority/obedience trip.
Since this is a grossly inadequate situation to
find yourself in, the authors suggest you just walk
away from whatever situation you are dealing with
and instead go and play Sink or something. If the
situation you were asking about is something you
cannot turn your back on, you must escalate your
Eristic Vibes to equal the Aneristic Vibes of the
force you are dealing with, thus forming a
contented chao.
8. The Sacred Chao
The Sacred Chao and this hexagram represent
union of chaos and order. Balance is achieved and
everything is holding together. Since human nature
implies that the balance will not last, the authors
suggest that one take advantage of the harmony
while it is there, and stop reading this stupid
shit for now.
9. The Discordian
GP: Is Eris true?
M2: Everything is true.
GP: Even false things?
M2: Even false things are true.
GP: How can that be?
M2: I dont know man, I didnt do it.
This hexagram represents the power of small -
the power of the individual against the mammoth
corporation, organization or government. It implies
that the strong can be whittled slowly down by the
constant wear of the weak, as the wind erodes rock
over time. It instructs one not to blindly charge
ahead and attack, but to gradually move ahead, a
step at a time, when battling outrageous
10. The Turkey Curse
Take a foot stance as if you
were John L. Sullivan preparing for fisticuffs.
Face the particular greyface you wish to
short-circuit, or towards the direction of the
negative aneristic vibration that you wish to
neutralize. Begin by waving your arms in any
elaborate manner and make motions with your hands
as though you were Mandrake feeling up a sexy
giantess. Chant, loudly and clearly: GOBBLE,
This hexagram represents ones social conduct and
physical bearing. The original I Ching was drawn
along Confucian lines, and was therefore very
conservative about this hexagram. As should be seen
from the title, the E-Jing-A-Ling Thing takes a
different view of the meaning of this hexagram. The
point of the original was to move from inferior to
superior position by tempering ones conduct and
bearing, but the E-jing recommends methods that
resemble the turkey curse in order to gain the
upper hand.
11. The Contented Chao
Find peace with a contented
This hexagram states that perfect harmony is
achieved and signifies the end to feuds. Prosperity
is implied. It should be stressed that perfect
balance is ALREADY achieved, so one should bear
with imperfect people at this time. Strong Eristic
Vibes at this time would be detrimental to the
contentment of the chao.
12. The Cabbage
"Are ye a cabbage or
This hexagram symbolizes stagnation, decline,
and decay. Get your shit together and move, in any
direction. Creative Chaos is desperately lacking
and should be introduced to the situation
13. Abnormail
"Unfortunately, the majority of
eristic abnormail is nothing but inane gossip,
masturbatory in-jokes, trivial variations of
stale dogma, snide put-downs of those not weird
in exactly the same was as 'us', and similar such
garbage ad naseum; and that's good too!"
This hexagram represents fellowship in all of
its forms. This is best represented in Discordian
terms by the Cabal or a network of Cabals - thus
Abnormail, which fosters fellowship within the
ranks of Discordia. This is not always a positive
thing, for sometimes fellowship drowns the
individual and should be tempered to avoid becoming
"just another cog". All in all, though, fellowship
is a good thing and looser associations that enable
the sharing of concepts and ideas should now be
14. (K)opyLeft
Copyright Is Reversed. Reprint
What You Like.
This hexagram stands for possession on a grand
scale through unselfish modesty, and is therefore
represented perfectly by the Discordian tendency to
reverse the copyright on their creations. The
hexagram represents private property becoming
public property, and I'm afraid that means we are
damn communists. Or socialists. Or at least
Marxists. Of course, it could mean that we are not
any of those things, we're just not greedy
capitalists, either. Anyway, the hexagram seems to
be telling you to be unselfish and share.
15. Robert Shea
co-author of the Illuminatus!
This hexagram represents a quiet and successful
modesty. Your achievements will be noticed and
appreciated, so you don't have to stand on a podium
and announce it to the world.
16. Robert Anton Wilson
co-author of the Illuminatus!
This hexagram has the opposite meaning of the
previous hexagram. Instead of modesty, one should
foster enthusiasm on a grand scale. Be prolific.
Shout your ideas from the rooftops. Get
17. Bob
J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, leader and
High Epopt of the Church of the SubGenius, Living
Avatar of Slack, the Saint of Sales. Once a
humble salesman; underwent his Emaculation in
JHVH-1 (Alien Space God) in 1953 and saw visions
of X-Day, leading to his founding the Church of
the SubGenius on a shifting, sandy beach of
This hexagram represents egotism and arrogance.
Be wary of an arrogant man with followers (and
beware of the followers, too!). If you so choose,
this hexagram can also be represented by the
arrogant leader of your choice. There are plenty to
choose from.
18. Yog Sothoth
For Yog-Sothoth is the Gate. He
knoweth where the Old Ones came forth in times
past and where they came forth again when the
cycle returneth.
This hexagram represents vile decay and rot. It
can also represent corruption. Needless to say,
this is not a very good sign. The E-Jing-A-Ling
Thing suggests that you stay upbeat during this
nasty time and foster a "Fuck it" attitude until
Fortuna's wheel spins again. Cheerily wave to the
rotting corpses and laugh with excessive mirth at
the babies brains being eaten by worms.
19. The Ways To Enlightenment
"Enlightenment: The extremely
short period between being sober and drunk." -
Ambrose Bierce
This hexagram indicates the ability to become
great. It stands for light-giving, hopeful
progress. Keep to the path you are currently on -
it is a correct one. Don't rush ahead now that you
know it is a correct path, however. You are doing
perfectly at the speed you are going.
20. Meditation
"Om Om Padme Om... Om Om Padme
Om... Oh! Oh! Paddle me! Oh!" - Ambrose
This hexagram stands for contemplation of the
the long view. It indicates that inner sight is
present and should be used. Take a pause and
contemplate the situation carefully.
21. Operation: Mindfuck
"I hung up in the stall of
every single men's restroom on campus (which took
a while) and in many of the women's stalls as
well (I had help) a sign which read: "Whatever
thy hand findest to do, do it with all thy
heart." -Jesus It hung directly at eye level as
you sat there." - Brock Sayre
This hexagram stands for battling through
obstacles. The fact that there are obstacles may
seem to some to indicate that this is a negative
hexagram, but what fun would an obstacle-free life
be (imagine a video game where you don't have any
obstacles)? It is important to focus on battling
through the obstacles as opposed to the obstacles
22. Kallisti
To The Prettiest
This hexagram represents beauty of form. It
covers all aspects of beauty - the beauty of
nature, the beauty of mind or ideas, and the beauty
of individuals. This isn't beauty as it is
described by any form of media, but natural beauty
inherent in objects or ideas.
23. John Dillenger
The man that died that night
was neither the same height nor weight than
The dead man had brown eyes while it was a well
known fact that Dillinger's eyes were bright
Dillinger's well publicized birth mark was not
mentioned in the autopsy report.
The report stated that the dead man had more
teeth than Dillinger.
And finally, there was evidence that the dead man
had a rheumatic heart, a condition that would
have certainly prevented Dillinger from serving
in the U.S. Navy.
The FBI continues to deny the discrepancies and
claims that they were nothing more than untimely
mistakes made in the coroner's office.
This hexagram represents a splitting apart (or a
23-Skidooing). It does not futher one to go
anywhere, or you might get shot down in the street
in front of a movie theatre or something as equally
inconvenient. Just stay at home and play Cooknote
Fiberglass or something and send your double to the
theatre to get shot.
24. Saint Bobo
There walked into the room a
chimpanzee, shaggy and grey about the muzzle, yet
upright in his full five feet, and poised with
natural majesty. He carried a scroll and walked
to the young men.
"Gentlemen," he said, "why does Pickering's Moon
go about in reverse orbit? Gentlemen, there are
nipples on your chests; do you give milk? And
what, pray tell, Gentlemen, is to be done about
Heisenberg's Law?" He paused. "SOMEBODY HAD TO
And with that he revealed his scroll. It was a
diagram, like a yin-yang with a pentagon on one
side and an apple on the other. And then he
exploded and the two lost consciousness.
This hexagram is the turning point, the
transformation of old into new, just as Saint
Bobo's appearance transformed Omar and Mal's mind
from demented, drooling cabbages into the finely
tuned instruments they were upon the writing of the
Principia. Of course, transformation can go the
opposite way too...
25. Emperor Norton I
St. Norton the First, Emperor
of the United States and Protector of
This hexagram indicates innocence, as well as
the unexpected. This translates into the kind of
pure madness that is best exemplified in Emperor
Norton I or Saint Quixote. The situation you are
asking about requires a truly Erisian solution,
such as a massive attack upon a windmill or
declaration of your emperorhood of an entire state
(or country, for that matter).
26. Hot Dog Buns
IV - A Discordian shall Partake
of No Hot Dog Buns, for Such was the Solace of
Our Goddess when She was Confronted with The
Original Snub.
Unbelievably, the meaning of this Hexagram in
the original I Ching is "don't eat at home". The
Discordian I Ching modifies this to "do not eat hot
dog buns at home", which really is some good
advice. The hexagram promises retention and clarity
if you go out and eat hot dog buns (I guess).
27. The Hot Dog (on Friday)
III - A Discordian is Required
during his early Illumination to Go Off Alone
& Partake Joyously of a Hot Bog on a Friday;
this Devotive Ceremony to Remonstrate against the
popular Paganisms of the Day: of Catholic
Christendom (no meat on Friday), of Judaism (no
meat of Pork), of Hindic Peoples (no meat of
Beef), of Buddhists (no meat of animal), and of
Discordians (no Hot Dog Buns).
This hexagram signifies nourishment and
tranquility. Eating a Hot Dog on Friday is, of
course, an impossible act for a Discordian since
there is no day on the Discordian calendar named
"Friday"; therefore this hexagram also implies an
impossibility, but one that won't bother you in the
28. The Aneristic Illusion
Western philosophy is
traditionally concerned with contrasting one grid
with another grid, and amending grids in hopes of
finding a perfect one that will account for all
reality and will, hence, (say unenlightened
westerners) be True. This is illusory; it is what
we Erisians call the ANERISTIC ILLUSION. Some
grids can be more useful than others, some more
beautiful than others, some more pleasant than
others, etc., but none can be more True than any
This hexagram reminds that the weight of large,
bulky things is excessive and warns that the load
is currently too heavy to bear. There will soon be
a collapse of some kind, probably (hopefully) of an
Aneristic bulk.
29. Sink
SINK is played by Discordians and people of much
PURPOSE: To sink object or an object or a thing-
in water or mud or anything you; can sink
something in.
RULES: Sinking is allowd in any manner. To date,
ten pound chunks of mud were used to sink a
tobacco can. It is preferable to have a pit of
water or a hole to drop things in. But rivers -
bays - gulfs - I dare say even oceans can be
TURNS are taken thusly: who somever gets the junk
up in the air first.
DUTY: It shall be the duty of all persons playing
"SINK" to help find more objects to sink, once;
one object is sunk.
UPON SINKING: The sinked shall yell "I sank it!"
or something equally as thoughtful.
NAMING OF OBJECTS is some times desirable. The
object is named by the finder of such object and
whoever sinks it can say for instance, "I sunk
Columbus, Ohio."
This hexagram represents water and life, and
signifies possible danger. Obviously, the danger it
is referring to is the danger that the items which
are sunk find themselves in. Make sure you are the
one playing sink and you are not the thing to be
30. The Christian
Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not
Leviticus 24:17 "And he that killeth any man
shall surely be put to death."
Hosea 13:16 "they shall fall by the sword: their
infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their
women with children shall be ripped up."
This hexagram represents a clinging compliance,
or an unthinking, voluntary dependence on
something. If that's your bag, shit, go for it.
More power to you - drop out of the human race and
send all your money to evangelists for all Eris
cares. I'm guessing, though, since this is a
Discordian E-Jing-A-Ling Thing after all, this is
not something you enjoy having pointed out to you.
Still, the E-Jing-A-Ling thing doesn't lie. Get out
on your own and foster your individuality,
31. The Primer For Erisian Evangelists
The SOCRATIC APPROACH is most successful when
confronting the ignorant. The "socratic approach"
is what you call starting an argument by asking
questions. You approach the innocent and simpy
ask "Did you know that God's name is Eris and
that He is a girl?" If he should answer "Yes."
Then he is probably a fellow Erisian and so you
can forget it. If he says "No." then quickly
proceed to:
THE BLIND ASSERTION and say "Well, He is a girl
and His name is ERIS!" Shrewdly observe if the
subject is convinced. If he is, swear him into
the Legion of Dynamic Discord before he changes
his mind. If he does not appear to be convinced,
then proceed to:
THE FAITH BIT: "But you must have Faith! All is
lost without Faith! I sure feel sorry for you if
you don't have Faith." And then add:
THE ARGUMENT BY FEAR and in an ominous voice ask
"Do you know what happens to those who deny
Goddess?" If he hesitates, don't tell him that he
will surely be reincarnated as a precious Mao
Button and distributed to the poor in the Region
of Thud (which would be a mean thing to say),
just shake your head sadly and, while wiping a
tear from your eye, go to:
THE FIRST CLAUSE PLOY wherein you point to all of
the discord and confusion in the world and
exclaim "Well who the hell do you think did all
of this, wise guy?" If he says, "Nobody, just
impersonal forces." Then quickly respond
that he is absolutely right, and that those
impersonal forces are female and that Her name is
ERIS. If he, wonder of wonders, still remains
obstinate, then finally resort to:
sophisticated people like himself recognize that
Eris is a Figurative Symbol for an Ineffable
Metaphysical Reality and that The Erisian
Movement is really more like a poem than like a
science and that he is liable to be turned into a
Precious Mao Button and Distributed to The Poor
in The Region of Thud if he does not get hip.
Then put him on your mailing list.
This hexagram represents a strong influence -
whether it be yourself doing the influencing or
someone else. Maybe even this E-Jing-A-Ling Thing,
if you don't mind getting meta with us for a
second. It also signifies that now is the time for
wooing and courtship - in the area of love OR
32. The Flat Earth Society
"Aim: To carefully observe,
think freely rediscove forgotten fact and oppose
theoretical dogmatic assumptions. To help
establish the United States... of the the world
on this flat earth. Replace the science
religion... with SANITY!"
This hexagram represents endurance in the face
of insurmountable obstacles, much as the Flat Earth
Society still survives in the face of overwhelming
"scientific evidence" that "proves" their theories
to be entirely incorrect. It also encourages
duration - whatever you are up against will not be
easy, but you can overcome it if you just stick it
out (unlike the Flat Earth Society, which is just
shit-house crazy).
33. Kyre Banorg
Run away! Run away!
This hexagram warns you to Retreat Immmediately.
Stop what you are doing (put the herring down and
leave the mightiest tree in the forest alone) and
take off in the opposite direction because bad
things are about to happen and a quick retreat will
get you out in the nick of time.
34. The Golden Apple
This hexagram represents the power of the great
- for clarification, just sit and remember what
happens when Eris uses her apple. That is the power
of the great which is currently at your disposal,
waiting to be used.
35. The Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory
"...and Hallmark has three of
the same people on its board as the Snapple
Corporation, whose VP of Marketing was a former
CIA agent who just happened to be in Dealy
This hexagram represents a coming together and
suggests that feeling you get when there are only a
few more pieces left to a 5000 piece puzzle.
Everything seems to suddenly fit and, if you remain
calm and cheerful, great progress will be made.
36. Greyface
In the year 1166 B.C., a
malcontented hunchbrain by the name of Greyface,
got it into his head that the universe was as
humorless as he, and he began to teach that play
was sinful because it contradicted the ways of
Serious Order. "Look at all the order about you,"
he said. And from that, he deluded honest men to
believe that reality was a straitjacket affair
and not the happy romance as men had known
It is not presently understood why men were so
gullible at that particular time, for absolutely
no one thought to observe all the disorder around
them and conclude just the opposite. But anyway,
Greyface and his followers took the game of
playing at life more seriously than they took
life itself and were known even to destroy other
living beings whose ways of life differed from
their own.
The unfortunate result of this is that mankind
has since been suffering from a psychological and
spiritual imbalance. Imbalance caused by
frustration, and frustration causes fear. And
fear makes a bad trip. Man has been on a bad trip
for a long time now.
This signifes a wounding that a being in a
position of authority brings to wise and able men
(and therefore may be tied to the current War On
Druggies). The E-Jing-A-Ling hopes that you will
maintain your inner light during this harmful
period and rise from it's ashes like a cliche.
37. The Discordian Society
"The Discordian Society has no
I sometimes think of it as a disorganization of
Eris Freaks. It has been called a guerrilla mind
theatre. Episkopos Randomfactor, Director of
Purges of Our People's Underworld Movement sect
in Larchmont, prefers ``The World's Greatest
Association of What-ever-it-is-that-we-are.''
Lady Mal thinks of it as a Renaissance think
tank. Fang the Unwashed, WKC, won't say. You can
think of it any way you like." - kbuxton
This hexagram represents the family, or the
clan. Admittedly, the Discordian Society is a
pretty loose-knit clan, but none-the-less, it is
one. The hexagram suggests that you turn to family
to help solve the problem you are currently dealing
with instead of dealing with it on your own.
38. The Illuminati
A Satanic Plot for a One World
Government. Or something equally
This hexagram represents a powerful opposition
and a divergence of points of view. It warns you to
be guarded and more careful than usual when dealing
with potential enemies. Be careful who you Jake,
because some people just don't have a sense of
39. The Eschaton
"Salvation is defined in such
eschatological terms as "eternal life,"
"resurrection," and present entrance into the
kingdom (e.g., Jn.5:24). In Paul the
"justification" anticipated for the righteous as
they would stand at the bar of God's judgment is
in Christ a present reality, something enjoyed by
faith ahead of time (e.g., Rom.5:1). The
blessings of the New Covenant, which today's
believer enjoys, are themselves (originally) cast
in an eschatological context (cf. Jer.31:31ff;
Ezek.36:22ff). Christ has already delivered us
from "this present evil age" (Gal.1:4) and has
placed us into His own kingdom (Col.1:13). We
live even now "in the heavenlies" (Eph.2:6). In
Christ the future is present; the eschatological
kingdom is now." - Fred G. Zaspel
This hexagram represents a dangerous abyss that
can and should be overcome with perserverance. It
recommends that you walk softly but carry a big
apple. Don't try to jump over the gaping abyss;
make your way around it.
40. The Illuminatus! Trilogy
"Like virtually everyone else,
I read this book in high school after I had
finished Umberto Eco's _The Name of the Rose_ and
_Foucault's Pendulum_, which I greatly enjoyed. I
forced myself to finish it simply to prove that I
could. Here's the way it is folks: Robert Anton
Wilson (RAW - as he refers to himself) is an
infant, and he wants to be treated like a
screaming brat infant. Give him a slap! His
admirers, all suffering from attention-deficit
hyper-activity disorder (AD/HD) after reading
this book are infantile too. The "philosophy"
(certainly not meriting that dignified epithet)
behind this book is nothing more than a series of
self-competitive hedonistic nonsense
progressively aiming to outdo each previous
iteration of its own ridiculousness in hopes of
achieving something revolutionary - a series of
baubles used to amuse three year old babies.
However, there is no synthesis, nothing is
produced from it. Rather, it would have us all
robots driven outside of our minds by every blind
and base impulse imaginable in a hedonic frenzy,
all the while engaging in remorseless rape of the
language to achieve some sort of verbal ecstasy.
To overcome the ennuie which immediately ensues
we are provided with grandiose puzzles
(paradoxes) to contemplate with ever increasing
absurdity. This sort of mental hedonism can lead
to only one thing, total and complete
destruction. It is not the highest in man;
rather, it is in fact his lowest. Instead of
seeing this as a product of euphoriant
intoxication or mental disorder (let's not give
it that much credit folks, even drugs or mental
disease would produce more profound effects), I
prefer to look at it as the product of a
reasonably intelligent mind that has chosen to
systematically disengage its will. This
philosophy comes complete with a means of
self-identification among its anarchist
followers, through the presence of the word
"fnord" appearing at various places in their
reviews. As you can tell by reading some of the
reviews here many of Wilson's disciples seem to
have mastered the art of sesquipedalian
obfuscation - an iterative procedure to generate
pseudo-profundities by the successive manufacture
of nonstandard grammatical combinations through
the use of excessively big words." -zosimos,
Amazon Book Review
This hexagram represents the beginning of
deliverence - but just the beginning. In order to
benefit from the deliverence, you must work toward
it yourself and not wait for it to be handed to
41. Hodge
The Pentagon represents the
Aneristic Principle of Order and symbolizes the
Hodge. The Pentagon has several references; for
one, it can be taken to represent geometry, one
of the earliest studies of formal order to reach
elaborate development; for another, it
specifically accords with the Law of
This hexagram suggests a decrease, or a need for
simplicity. Keep things straightforward and simple
now. As much as you might like to complicate
things, now is not the time.
42. Podge
The Podge of the Sacred Chao is
symbolized as The Golden Apple of Discordia,
which represents the Eristic Principle of
Disorder. The writing on it, ``KALLISTI'' is
Greek for ``TO THE PRETTIEST ONE'' and refers to
an old myth about The Goddess. But the Greeks had
only a limited understanding of Disorder, and
thought it to be a negative principle.
This hexagram suggests an increase, or a need
for complexity. Revel in chaos and make things so
complex that no one will be able to unravel them
within your lifetime.
43. Finnegan's Wake
riverrun, past Eve and Adam's,
from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by
a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth
Castle and Environs...
...Coming, far! End here. Us then. Finn, again!
Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee! Till
thous-endsthee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a
lone a last a loved a 15 long the
This hexagram signifies resoluteness. Now is the
time to undertake something that you have been
putting off and see it through all the way to the
44. Voting The Party Line
"Well, (s)he's the lesser of
two evils..."
This hexagram signifies an effort at coming to
meet, but in a negative way. It implies that you
are giving in to the inferior by meeting them
halfway instead of sticking to your guns.
Compromise can be a good thing, but in this case it
will create a situation that you will not like.
45. Walpurgisnacht
The Second Law of
Thermodynamics, The Ultra-Violet Hippopotamus,
The Thing on the Doorstep, The Glue Sniffers,
King Kong and his Skull Island Dinosaurs, The
Noisy Minority...
This hexagram represents a gathering together or
a massing of people or things. If this does come
about, either by natural or manipulated means, it
will have a positive outcome.
46. The Tum Tum Tree
So rested he by the Tum Tum
Tree and stood awhile in thought.
This hexagram represents "pushing upward", much
in the same way that a tree slowly grows and
therefore "pushes upward". It implies a potential
for growth, as well as anything else that might be
implicated by thoughts of trees and wood (such as
fuel, shelter, toughness, perserverance, etc).
47. Inigo Montoya
"Hello, My name is Inigo
Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to
This hexagram represents oppression and
exhaution. Restrain yourself - you are slamming
yourself up against a door that is braced from the
other side (think of Inigo throwing himself up
against the closed door, and how stupid he looked).
Get some help; you can't do this alone.
48. Bureaucracy
An Age of Bureaucracy is an
Imperial Age in which Things Mature, in which
Confusion becomes entrenched and during which
Balanced Balance, or Stagnation, is
This hexagram represents the inexhaustible and
the unchanging. It can mean stagnation, but also a
comforting routine, depending upon how you look at
it. Since this IS the DISCORDIAN E-Jing-A-Ling
Thing, the implication is that you are stuck in a
rut and you need to do something to get out of
49. Revolution
"The Principia Discordia has
served as the basis for a worldwide revolution in
madness, managing to leave a trail of icons and
such in its path." - Discordian Society of Saint
Mary's University
This hexagram represents revolution. It is not
telling you to shoot government workers - it is
warning you that a revolution (of the mind,
hopefully) seems immenant at this time. Remember,
this can usually be read on a personal level. It
also warns that revolution should only be looked to
when there is no other way out.
50. The Jake
"Here is what I wrote on the
(Best Buy) Idea Box form: I have a friend who
lives in upstate New York who got a Papa John's
Pizza ad that announces that carryout is free!
Can you imagine?! Of course it'd be free! WE were
wondering if you could send your walking, talking
Best Buy tag to go kick some ass and offer the
victims to the dark gods?" - Dingo Kaka
This hexagram represents nourishment and the
preparing of "food". Of course, it could be real
food, or food for thought as the name we chose
suggests. The hexagram implies that YOU should
nourish and prepare "food" for others.
51. Mr. Crowley
CHEN: Fire! Beware, but smile
with mein divine!
Let nothing scare thee into spilling wine!
Here's trouble; watch thy ways, but drink thy
Take lofty ground; the tide will ebb and
Distraught? May danger teach thee low to
Fight fire with fire, or sink in mud
Troubles mean profits for the men who know.
Caution! Foresee the action of the foe!
This hexagram was very complicated in the
original I-Ching, standing for arousal, but also
terror, shock, fear, and trembling. The classic
situation suggested above would probably be the
virgin bride on her wedding night. Explore the
possibility of interpreting your situation by using
that image. This is the hexagram that Crowley did
not agree with and changed (thus its name here).
Crowley suggested changing its meaning to "Fight
Fire With Fire". Therefore, to Discordians, this
hexagram stands for the bold and
52. Mt. Olympus
"Mount Olympus. We all know
it's a major feature of Arborea, and the home of
a pantheon of powers called the Olympians or
Greek "Gods." 'Course, as an Athar, I have to
tell you these so-called Gods are not all they
claim to be. They bicker and argue among
themselves more than a Xaositect and a Guvner
playing knucklebones, and over such petty things.
If they are "supreme beings," I'll stay inferior,
thanks." - Leir the Explorer
This hexagram stands for keeping still (as a
mountain does throughout the millenia). It implies
the need for meditation, yoga, or some other
immobile exercise.
53. Chapter 1
Once Upon A Time...
This hexagram stands for the stages of
development, or of gradual progress made toward a
goal (whether the goal be vague or specific). It
reminds that such things come in stages and that
people who try to subvert this may reach their goal
but will not have a clear understanding of it -
they will be idiot savants and will be unable to
understand the situation in its fullest.
54. Defining Discordia
"A REAL Discordian would..." -
Ambrose Bierce
This hexagram warns caution and reserve.
Misunderstanding and disagreement are also
suggested. Walk cautiously through the situation
you find yourself in and don't make any sudden
55. Pineal Power
"I am MIGHTY!" - The
This hexagram signifies abundance and fullness.
It suggests that the energy to perform or deal with
the situation in question is already yours and you
need only apply it to reap its reward.
56. Hagbard Celine
"Never whistle while you're
This hexagram is the hexagram of the Wanderer.
It implies a certain kind of uprightedness, but
suggests that at this time you associate only with
good people. Forget the trivial, it does not apply
here and will only muddy the waters. Big things are
57. Synchronicity
The coincidental occurrence of
events and especially psychic events (as similar
thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental
image of an unexpected event before it happens)
that seem related but are not explained by
conventional mechanisms of causality -- used
especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung
This hexagram represents gentle but penetrating
forces (like wind). It implies a series of small
successes, and suggests that you find a great, wise
man to discuss the situation with.
58. The Buddha
This is what should be
By one who is skilled in goodness,
And who knows the path to peace:
Let them be able and upright,
Straightforward and gentle in speech,
Humble and not conceited,
Contented and easily satisfied.
Unburdened with duties, and frugal in their
Peaceful and calm, wise and skillful,
Not proud and demanding in nature.
Let them not do the slightest thing
That the wise would later reprove....
...By not holding to fixed views,
The pure-hearted one, having clarity of
Being freed from all sense desires,
Is not born again into this world."
- Karaniya Metta Sutta (the sutta on loving
This hexagram represents joyousness, and a
gentleness that rests on firmness and strength. It
suggests contentment. If this is directly opposite
from how you feel now, try to foster the gentleness
described above.
59. KallistiCon
This hexagram represents a dispersion or
dissolution and suggests that you try to bring
together that which is seperated. It implies that
it is time to take a step back and look at your
60. Mornington Crescent
- - - Not quite: given that all critical
eigenstates are open,
- - - a path to the absolute plane can be made,
which satisfies
- - - it. (Check the rules.)
- - Classic misunderstanding
of Rushton's condition. It's only
- - satisfied if the path passes through the
majority of critical
- - eigenstates - which is, as you say, easy to
do - and *at
- - least six* non-critical ones. This latter
aspect of the
- - condition is not satisfied, but it is not
proven unsatisfiable
- - either.
- That's
pre-Featherstonehaugh rules; it changed in 3154
- eliminate the non-critical eigenstate
requirement unless
- the subject/object mapping is inverted (which
is clearly
- not the case here).
and was promptly reverted by
Rushton himself in 3192.
we're not playing a game using exclusively those
commonly used between 3155 and 3191, are
This hexagram refers to limitations and the need
to limit (or destroy completely) limitations. Break
barriers and strive to move the sticks forward and
prevent stagnation or a situation that binds with
rules. In the case of Mornington Crescent, we
choose an example where limitations imposed can be
broken fairly easily and without much thought at
61. The Pineal Gland
THE PINEAL GLAND is where each
and every one of us can talk to Eris. If you have
trouble activating your Pineal, then try the
appendix which does almost as well. Reference:
DOGMA I, METAPHYSICS #3, "The Indoctrine of the
Pineal Gland"
This hexagram stands for inner truth and innate
confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you
feel confidence is something you are lacking, the
hexagram suggests it is to be found in inner truth
(and, hence, in the pineal gland).
62. Stick and Jab
"Set goals that your child can
achieve. Lots of small goals, which a child can
reach one by one work better than one large
goal." - Ambrose Bierce
This hexagram represents the preponderance of
the small, and therefore suggests that this is the
time for small things to be done. Big things should
not be attempted until their proper time.
63. Aneris
Aneris swore that no matter how
many existent things Eris brought forth, she
would eventually find them and turn them into
non-existent things for her own.
This hexagram stands for chaos changing into
order. As we all know this can be a very bad thing.
The only salvagable aspect about this hexagram is
that if all is order, there are many, many
oppertunities for an enterprising Discordian to
have loads of fun trying to bring about Hexagram
64. Eris
Hail Eris! All Hail
This hexagram stands for order changing into
chaos. Every Discordian strives for such a time -
even though we know in our head that we need to
find the Contented Chao, we know in our hearts that
we have had enough order for our lifetime and are
ready to see the pendulum swing the other way, even
for a brief moment. But let's be honest. If the
world was chaos for any length of time, and
everyone else ascribed to it as religiously as they
now do to order, what would we do?