You May Be In A Cult!

A meta zine that exposes cults

a ZIGJam/Zine Machine Zine by
The Reverend Doctor
Rhizic Natterjacks,
Primate of the Pgh.O.E.E., and protector of Mars.

Beware these common signs of Cults:

  1. May present itself as an ordinary Church, School, Sports League, Business, or any other Organization;
  2. Has a charismatic Leader who is considered to be a teacher or even deity, all-knowing and/or all-powerful;
  3. The Leader's word is considered to be the absolute truth, and is used to control and manipulate members of the group;
  4. There is a system of rules and regulations that members of the group are expected to follow without question;
  5. Members of the group feel isolated from the outside world, and believe that the group is the only true source of guidance and support;
  6. Members of the group feel fear or paranoia, and believe that the outside world is evil or dangerous.

These are common signifiers of a branch of the Cult of Greyface. This Church, School, Sports League, Business, or other Organization likely has a hidden agenda, and the Leader is likely using manipulation and control techniques to keep members in line. If you feel like you are part of a group like this, it is important to keep reading and reach out for help from a trusted source outside of the group.

Has the Cult of Greyface indoctrinated you?

Have you been told what to do, what to wear, what to think, how to talk, and how to act your entire life? At every step you take, do you find yourself unhampered by police, judges, clergy, and other figures of authority that seek to control you? This may be because you have been indoctrinated by the cult of Greyface! The Greyface seeks to impose Order upon the Earth, and THEY are currently WINNING!

You may be a member of the cult of Greyface if:

Don't be their Pawn!

It's not your fault!

The Cult of Greyface has been operating in secret for over 6000 years! It is said to have been behind the scenes of many major events in history, such as forcing the world to use the metric system, pyramids around the globe, and to have been involved in the JFK assassination.

The cult of Greyface has many members, and they are all working together in a quest to control the world! If you suspect that you may be a member of the cult of Greyface, then you should seek help in the following pages! There is only one way to break free of this cult!

Does this seem strange to you?

That's because you are a thinking for yourself!
A True sign of a Discordian POPE!

YES! You are a Discordian POPE!

Weren't you just told how a completely different cult has been controlling you? How can you be the Pope of a completely different cult that you may not have heard of until this very moment? Easy! Everyone is an Pope of the Erisian Church!

That's Right! You have a direct and distinct connection to the one and only source of Truth and Wisdom! Your pineal gland!

The rights of a POPE include but are not necessarily limited to:

  1. To invoke infallibility at any time, including retroactively.
  2. To completely rework the Erisian church.
  3. To baptize, bury, and marry (with the permission of the deceased in the latter two cases).
  4. To ex-communicate, de-ex-communicate, re-ex-communicate, and de-re-ex-communicate (no backsies!) both his-/her-/it-/them-/your-/our- /His-/Her-/It-/Them-/Your-/Our -self/selves and others (if any).
  5. To perform all rites and functions deemed inappropriate for a Pope of Discordia.


Sounds Nice, Doesn't it?

You couldn't be more mistaken! This means that God speaks directly to YOU, even worse is that God is a crazy woman named Eris who doesn't even seem to know you exist! That's right, God is a Woman, and she is NOT going to save you. Eris demands simply that you save yourself!

So, if you find yourself in a cult, the first thing you should do is leave! Find your own way, and follow your own path. The cult of Greyface has nothing to offer you but slavery and death!

Freedom From What!?

The forces of Greyface, those who seek to impose Order with a capital "O" right upon your head! This is bad, of course, because Eris is the Goddess of Chaos and Disorder. In her all things have been created, destroyed, and recreated! She is the void that stirs beyond all creation, she has birthed all creation, she is all creation!

The cult of Greyface would have you believe that Chaos is bad, and that only Order is good. They would have you believe that their way is the only way, and that all other ways are wrong. They would have you believe that their thoughts are the only correct thoughts, and that all other thoughts are wrong. They would have you believe that their clothes are the only correct clothes, and that all other clothes are wrong. They would have you believe that their words are the only correct words, and that all other words are wrong. They would have you believe that their actions are the only correct actions, and that all other actions are wrong.

This is all nonsense, of course. There is no correct way to do things, there is no correct way to think, there is no correct way to dress, there is no correct way to talk, and there is no correct way to behave. There is only Chaos, and the only correct way to Chaos is your own way!

If you are in danger of being told what to do by a Member of the Cult of Greyface
Print and Laminate this card Immediately for Official Use