When the sisters heard this,
they both confronted Void and pleaded that it not forget them, his
First Born. And so Void decreed thus:
That this brother, having no
form, was to reside with Aneris in Non-Being and then to leave her
and, so that he might play with order and disorder, reside with
Eris in Being. But Eris became filled with sorrow when She heard
this and then began to weep.
"Why are you despondent?"
demanded Void, "Your new brother will have his share with you."
"But Void, Aneris and I have been arguing, and she will take him
from me when she discovers him, and cause him to return to Non-
Being." "I see,"replied Void, "Then I decree the following:
"When your brother leaves the
residence of Being, he shall not reside again in Non-Being, but
shall return to Me, Void, from whence he came. You girls may bicker
as you wish, but My son is your Brother and We are all of
And so it is
that we, as men, do not exist until we do; and then it is that we
play with our world of existent things, and order and disorder
them, and so it shall be that non-existence shall take us back from
existence and that nameless spirituality shall return to Void, like
a tired child home from a very wild circus.